It currently provides care for up to ten preschool-aged children with developmental difficulties and for 49 young people and adults with disabilities within the Center OZANA, an organization founded by the Association in 2002. Educational work in both programs is based on the principles of Waldorf pedagogy. It's taylored to the specific needs of the beneficiaries required by their age, type and grade of disability. In an environment of joy and optimism, through carefully led and designed activities with special emphasis on caring for others and the environment, each individual is given the opportunity to develop and grow to their full potential.
• To launch a new social service - a mobile support team for the whole family of the beneficiary and his/her parents who are elderly and/or sick and need help, thus preventing the institutionalization of both vulnerable groups - people with disabilities and the elderly.
• To find appropriate material conditions for launching care programs outside one's own family - living (housing) community for our beneficiaries who are left without adequate parental care.
Etički kodeks
Etički kodeks “Ozane”, sadrži zajednički sustav vrijednosti prema kojima se u svojem profesionalnom i javnom djelovanju trebaju ponašati svi radnici, korisnici usluga i suradnici.
Na linku možete pročitati etički kodeks.
Akti Udruge i Centra OZANA
Izvješća za 2016. – 2021.
2021. godina
Financijska izvješća Udruga 2021.
Financijska izvješća Centar 2021.
Izvješće o izvršenju financijskog plana za 2021.
2020. godina
Financijska izvješća Udruga 2020.
Financijska izvješća Centar 2020.
Izvješće o izvršenju financijskog plana za 2020
2019. godina
Financijska izvješća Udruga 2019.
Financijska izvješća Centar 2019.
2018. godina
Financijska izvješća Udruga 2018.
Financijska izvješća Centar 2018.
2017. godina
2016. godina
2023. godina
Financijski plan za 2023. godinu
Plan i program rada za 2023. godinu
2022. godina
Sažetak plana i programa za 2022. godinu
Financijski plan za 2022. godinu
2021. godina
Sažetak plana i programa za 2021. godinu
Financijski plan za 2021. godinu
2020. godina
Sažetak plana i programa za 2020. godinu
Financijski plan za 2020. godinu
2019. godina
Sažetak plana i programa za 2019. godinu
2018. godina
Sažetak plana i programa za 2018. godinu
2017. godina
Financijski plan za 2017. godinu
2016. godina
- Zakon o udrugama
- Zakon o ustanovama (NN 76/93, 29/97, 47/99, 35/08 i 98/19
- Zakon o radu (NN 93/14, 127/17, 98/19, 151/22)
- Zakon o socijalnoj skrbi (Narodne novine«, br. 18/22. i 46/22.)
- Pravilnik o mjerilima za pružanje socijalnih usluga
- Zakon o provedbi Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka
- Zakon o zaštiti na radu (NN 71/14,118/14 i 154/14,94/18 i 96/18)
- Zakona o zaštiti pučanstva od zaraznih bolesti („Narodne novine“ broj 79/07, 113/08, 43/09, 130/17, 114/18, 47/20, 134/20, 143/21)
- Zakon o arhivskom gradivu i arhivima (Narodne novine, 61/18, 98/19, 114/22)
- Zakon-o-pravu-na-pristup-informacijama
- Udruga je osnovana i djeluje kao socijalno-humanitarna neprofitna pravna osoba čija je osnovna zadaća skrb o djeci s poteškoćama u razvoju i odraslim osobama s trajnim intelektualnim, tjelesnim i osjetilnim oštećenjima.Na linku možete pročitati:
Pravo na informaciju ostvaruje se podnošenjem zahtjeva uz korištenje obrasca:
Zahtjev za pristup informacijama-obrazac
Zahtjev za dopunu ili ispravak informacija
Zahtjev za ponovnu uporabu informacija
Ispunjeni obrazac zahtjeva dostavlja se na jedan od sljedećih načina:
– poštom na adresu: OZANA, Ulica grada Vukovara 239, 10000 Zagreb
– elektroničkom poštom na adresu službenika za informiranje: ozana@centarozana.hr
– predati osobno na gore navedenoj adresi – radnim danom od 8:00 do 16:00 sati
Odluka o imenovanju službenika za informiranje
Zaštita osobnih podataka
- Politika privatnosti
- Pravilnik o zaštiti osobnih podataka
- Zahtjev ispitanika u vezi osobnih podataka
- Zakon o provedbi Opće uredbe o zaštiti podataka
- Zakon o pravu na pristup informacijama
Sjednice vjeća
Following the wish to transfer her experience of living and working in Camphill (community with special health-pedagogical and social approach to people with disabilities), a place of her professional development, to our local surrounding, Katica Radonić begins by establishing the Society of Camphill Friends in 1991. Soon it became clear that there is much prework to be done to make this community come alive.
Thanks to the understanding of the City of Zagreb, a space of about 120 square meters has been allocated for this purpose, which is part of the space in which the Association “OZANA” still operates today. After the complete adaptation of the space, a kindergarten for preschool children with developmental difficulties began to operate. Kindergarten currently cares for up to ten children. Soon afterwards, workshops for young people and adults with disabilities were founded.
Due to the great interest in programs and amendments to the Law on Social Welfare (according to which associations can take care of only 20 beneficiaries), in 2002 the Association established the institution OZANA – Daily Center for Rehabilitation and Work Activities, so as not to deny any of the existing beneficiaries further participation in the programs. They were joined by several interested young people with disabilities from a long waiting list and now the OZANA Center cares for 49 beneficiaries.
The association was given the name ”OZANA” after the Blessed Hozana of Kotor, who spread ecumenism and dedicated her life to helping those in need.
Katica Radonić – osnivač Društva prijatelja Camphilla
Active participation in social care and psychosocial rehabilitation of children with difficulties and persons with disabilities in order to promote, protect common health, social, humanitarian and other interests, and to fulfill the full and equal enjoyment of all human rights and to preserve dignity of persons with disabilities.
Promoting a social model towards people with disabilities in society, which puts the individual at the center of decision-making in decisions related to him, guided by the preservation of the following principles:
- Dignity and autonomy, including freedom of choice and independence of persons with disabilities
- Nonviolence
- Non-discrimination
- Deinstitutionalization
- Full and effective participation and inclusion of children with difficulties and persons with disabilities in society, according to the principles of the community-based rehabilitation model
- Equal opportunities for growth and development
- Spatial accessibility
- Respect for the ability of children with difficulties to preserve their own identity
- Respect for differences and acceptance of disability as a part of human diversity
- Respect for the Code of Ethics of the Association “OZANA”