štrikeraj café
A program that involves members of the local community and our beneficiaries n a joint creative process.
They knit and crochet together, gathering around the socially engaged projects we carry out. The positive effects of this approach are multiple for both groups with an emphasis on greater social participation and sensibility of the community and the therapeutic effects of knitting and crochet activities on physiological, neurological, psychological and behavioral levels, which these two activities undoubtedly have according to new research.
Dragi svi,
pokrećemo novu priču u kojoj nam se možete pridružiti:
Ovaj smo se put odlučili pokrenuti akciju (po uzoru na slične akcije u inozemstvu) pletenja i kukičanja rukavića za osobe s Alzheimerovom bolešću i drugim demencijama u Hrvatskoj. Takvi rukavići mogu kod oboljelih umanjiti stres, opustiti ih, zaokupirati i umiriti ali isto tako i stimulirati njihovu motoriku i spoznaju.
Prve smo rukaviće namijenili Zavodu za biologijsku psihijatriju i psihogerijatriju Klinike za psihijatriju Vrapče, a nakon toga njima bismo opskrbili sve ostale zainteresirane ustanove. Izrađivat će ih korisnici Udruge i Centra OZANA te svi okupljeni oko našeg Štrikeraj café-a, kao i svi vi ostali koji ćete se odazvati našem pozivu preko društvenih mreža i medija.
Pogledajte ogledni uzorak, pročitajte upute i krenite!
Ukoliko imate kakvih pitanja, slobodno nam se obratite na mail: strikeraj.cafe@centarozana.hr
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Radionica pletenja i kukičanja
European wool exchange
Osnovana 2019. godine s ciljem traženja najboljih rješenja za problem odbačene vune diljem Europe, sa fokusom na zdravlje i dobrobit pojedinca i društva
„OZANA“ je suosnivač
Established in 2019 to seek solutions to the problem of waste wool across Europe with a focus on health and well-being of individuals and society
„OZANA“ is participating organizaton
Image gallery
Image gallery from Štrikeraj café:
In Zagreb, 29.11.2022.
Upaljena je prva adventska svijeća, svijeća vjere i nade, Zagreb je preplavilo mnoštvo lampica a u dvorištu Klinike za psihijatriju Vrapče otkriveno je jedno posebno božićno drvce koje će izmamiti osmijeh i toplinu oko srca svakome tko ga pogleda i dodirne.
The Christmas tree was created as part of the “Let’s Interweave Hands” initiative, during which patients and staff of the Day Hospital of the Department of Biological Psychiatry and Psychogeriatrics of the Vrapče Psychiatry Clinic knit and crochet squares with the help and support of OZANA and everyone gathered around their Štrikeraj café. This tree is four meters high and is made of approximately 400 unique woolen squares and is decorated with knitted and crocheted ornaments. Messages of faith, hope, peace, love and joy are woven into every part of it. Each square and ornament tells its own story and together they form a unique tree that sends a message – we are here, don’t forget us in this glitter.
The pine tree was ceremonially opened by the representative of the City of Zagreb, Dr. Ivana Đerek Dubravčić, head of the Department for Health Protection and Planning in the City Office for Social Protection, Health, Veterans and Persons with Disabilities, who greeted everyone present on the occasion. Those present were also addressed by prof. Ph.D. Petrana Brečić, director of the Vrapče Psychiatry Clinic, doc. Ph.D. Domagoj Vidović, deputy director, prof. Ph.D. Ninoslav Mimica, head of the Clinic, and Sandra Kerovec, manager of Štrikeraj café of the OZANA Association. Everyone pointed out that this is a unique project and that Zagreb’s Advent has been enriched with this tree.
Through her Štrikeraj café, OZANA launched the “Intertwining Hands” initiative of making gloves for people with Alzheimer’s and other dementias – colorful knitted and crocheted gloves with lots of knitted and crocheted decorations. Such gloves can reduce stress in patients, relax them, occupy and soothe them, but also stimulate their motor skills and cognition.
So far, more than 300 gloves have been donated, and through the initiative, the benefits of knitting and crocheting are being promoted for everyone, including dementia sufferers.
The importance of the initiative was recognized by the Reference Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Croatia for Alzheimer’s disease and psychiatry of the elderly, and started promoting knitting and crocheting through the daily therapeutic activities of the Day Hospital and hospitalized patients, all for the purpose of as meaningful post-diagnostic support for people with dementia as possible. and their caregivers.
The Christmas tree will decorate the yard of the Vrapče Psychiatry Clinic during Advent, and after that the squares from which it was made will be transformed into sensory blankets for the Department of Psychogeriatrics, which is now in the final phase of complete renovation. continues and anyone interested in making gloves, those who need them and anyone who wants to support and expand the initiative can contact strikeraj.cafe@centarozana.hr.
Contact info for: OZANA – Štrikeraj café